

时间:2024-09-05 07:19:03 作者:云开·体育全站APPkaiyun 阅读:

本文摘要:Apple Incs major Chinese suppliers saw their revenues hit hard in the first quarter, in the wake of the technology giants latest quarterly earnings which showed a 13% drop in revenue.美国科技巨头苹果公司近期季度营收暴跌13%之后,其在华主要供应商的一季度营收也争相一声下跌。

Apple Incs major Chinese suppliers saw their revenues hit hard in the first quarter, in the wake of the technology giants latest quarterly earnings which showed a 13% drop in revenue.美国科技巨头苹果公司近期季度营收暴跌13%之后,其在华主要供应商的一季度营收也争相一声下跌。Revenues at Lens Technology Co Ltd, a glass cover supplier to Apple, slumped 35.8 percent to 2.7 billion yuan ($414 million) in the first three months. Its net profit also headed south, falling to 165 million yuan, down 59.3 percent year-on-year.苹果的玻璃盖板供应商蓝思科技一季度营收暴跌了35.8%。至27亿元。

该公司净利润也举步维艰,同比下跌59.3%至1亿6500万元。Apples battery supplier, the Shenzhen-based Desay Corporation, saw its revenue fall 16.6% and its net profit plunged 34.3%.苹果的电池供应商深圳德赛集团营收下降16.6%,净利润锐减34.3%。Electric motor provider Jinlong Machinery And Electronics Co Ltd, meanwhile, witnessed its net profit retreating 19.8 percent year-on-year to 85 million yuan, according to the companys first-quarter earnings report.电动马达供应商金龙机电股份有限公司的第一季度营收报告也表明,其净利润同比上升百分之19.8至8500万元。As Apples earnings drop, the US company cut the prices of its major suppliers, with the prices of some components squeezed by as much as 30%.由于收益下降,苹果对主要供应商展开压价,有些零部件压价甚至超过了30%。

Apples suppliers reacted by continuing a process of diversification, starting to provide components to domestic smartphone makers and tapping into the automobile market.苹果供应商通过维持多元化经营方式展开应付,开始为国内智能手机制造商获取零部件,并进占汽车市场。





